Underoathin entinen kitaristi Corey Steger kuollut auto-onnettomuudessa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 19.3.2021

Yhdysvaltalaisessa metalcore-yhtye Underoathissa vuosien 1998–2001 välisen ajan soittanut ja bändin varhaisilla EP:illä ”Act of Depression” (1999) sekä ”Cries of the Past” (2000) soittanut kitaristi/laulaja Corey Steger on kuollut auto-onnettomuudessa 42 vuoden iässä. Underoathissa vuosien 1997–2003 välisen ajan laulanut Dallas Taylor on julkaissut aiheesta koskettavan kirjoituksen ja voit lukea sen tästä:

“I don’t know how to type this. I’m without words. Yesterday 3/17/2021 at around 6:00 p.m. Corey Steger one of the original founding members of Underoath was rear ended in a car wreck, and went home to be with the Lord. Him, and his family have had such an impact during my accident, and recovery. I still remember him washing my hair in ICU just wanting to love on me, and be there for me. He is one of the kindest souls I’ve ever known. I really cannot wrap my head around this, and I don’t even know what to type. I love you Corey you are one of the greatest closest friends I’ve ever known. My heart is completely broken for his wife, kids, and his family if you can please keep them in your prayers.”

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