Unearthin uusi ”The Wretched, The Ruinous” -albumi julkaistu: Video ”Dawn Of The Militant” -kappaleesta katsottavissa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 6.5.2023

Yhdysvaltalainen metalcoren pioneereihin lukeutuva Unearth on julkaissut eilen 5. päivä toukokuuta uuden ”The Wretched, The Ruinous” -nimisen albuminsa Century Media Recordsin kautta ja voit kuunnella bändin uuden albumin kokonaisuudessaan tästä:

Yhtyeen laulaja Trevor Phipps kertoo albumista seuraavaa:

“The time has come for The Wretched; The Ruinous to hit the streets and we are excited as all hell to unleash these songs to the world. This album has the aggression, power, melody, energy and darkness that Unearth is known for, but we’ve pushed our sound further to offer the listener a more dynamic group of songs that hit harder than anything in our catalog.

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Lyrically this is a concept album that follows the current effects of the man-made climate crisis as well as what will happen in the years to come if drastic and immediate change is not made to curb emissions and monumental efforts are not made to repair and adjust to the damages already done.

We made a conscious effort to push beyond our boundaries as writers and players to make the heaviest and most true Metal meets Hardcore album possible as we drew from our early influences all the way through modern heavy music. There are familiar sounds for any Unearth fan to digest, but there are also deviations to our sound and writing that offer heavy music fans of all genres and sub-genres to absorb and get their blood flowing to.

We set out to make the ultimate Unearth album and we are proud to present to you all The Wretched; The Ruinous.”

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Toreelta albumilta on nyt virallisen julkaisun yhteydessä julkaistu myös video ”Dawn of the Militant” -kappaleen osalta, josta laulaja Trevor Phipps puolestaan kertoo seuraavaa:

“‘Dawn of the Militant‘ is a song drenched in thrash metal and heavy hardcore that is unrelenting from start to finish. The thrash meets hardcore bulk of the song hits a crescendo in the last 39 seconds with possibly the heaviest piece of music we’ve ever laid down on record.

Lyrically this song speaks of the threat nuclear war has on humanity. As our climate crisis worsens nations will become desperate to provide for their people. Tensions will rise and wars will be fought. When two nations with nuclear capabilities become at odds over our dwindling resources the likelihood of nuclear war will increase drastically. Humans by nature are tribal and protective of their own to a fault. Nuclear Holocaust is a likely end to civilization as we know it before the climate crisis completely eradicates us.

We are seeing these tensions rise worldwide today and the ‘Dawn of the Militant‘ is upon us. It’s up to us as a species to lay down our weapons, put aside our differences and come together to avoid the coming tragedies, despair and chaos we are speeding towards. We still have time to avoid this hellish end, but that time is running out while we get more divided by the day.”

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