Unlocking The Truth kertoo suhteistaan Sony Musiciin

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 28.3.2015

Unlocking The Truth 2014Sony Musicin kanssa aikoinaan 1,8 miljoonan dollarin sopimuksen tehnyt brooklynilainen heavy metal -yhtye Unlocking The Truth on antanut hiljattain haastattelun The Daily Beastille, jossa yhtyeen jäsenet kommentoivat tulehtuneita välejään Sony Musicin kanssa. Yhtye yrittää parhaillaan lakimiehiensä välityksellä saada sopimusta purettua. Voit lukea yhtyeen jäsenten mietteitä Sony Musicin toiminnasta tästä:

”It was pretty difficult at times with [our] meetings [with Sony] — especially with this one particular lady at the label, who had a meeting with us once where she was just talking at us for six hours,” Alec said. ”We were pretty young at the time so we were pretty restless and wanted to get up and do something else, but she just had us in this meeting for six hours.”

”There are so many different types of meetings,” added Jarad. ”Sometimes we have meetings at our lawyer’s office, sometimes we have a meeting with a company. It depends on what the occasion is.”

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”It’s been very difficult. We’re speaking to our attorneys about leaving Sony, and it’s very complicated,” said Alec. ”The album is ready, but because our attorneys are talking about us leaving the record label, it’s going to be a whole process of getting our music back.”