Uriah Heepin laulaja leikkaukseen: Helmikuun kiertue Euroopassa peruuntuu
Englantilainen rockin legenda Uriah Heep joutuu peruuttamaan helmikuulle Eurooppaan kaavaillun kiertueensa yhtyeen laulajan Bernie Shaw:n jouduttua äkilliseen leikkaukseen. Bernie on julkaissut aiheesta seuraavan virallisen tiedotteen jättäen kuitenkin tarkan syyn leikkauksesta kertomatta:
”I have had a medical issue for some time that has needed urgent attention. But, due to our continuous touring schedule, I have not been able to address this. Unfortunately, it has come to a head and now I need to get this procedure done urgently to prevent the risk of further complications. This means that we are forced to cancel our European run in February which, as any URIAH HEEP fan knows, is totally against our nature. I can only apologize to all our fans on behalf of myself and the band and we will be back to play for you very, very soon.”
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