Uusi AC/DC-kappale antaa Brian Johnsonille kylmiä väreitä

Kirjoittanut Joonas Arppe - 17.11.2020

AC/DC-vokalisti Brian Johnson kertoo Malcolm Youngin olleen eniten hengessä mukana kappaleella “Through The Mists Of Time” miehen nauhoittaessa lauluosuuksia marraskuun 13. päivä julkaistulle “Power Upille”. Johnsonin laulaessa ajatus edesmenneestä rytmikitaristista ja perustajajäsenestä muistutti häntä ensimmäisistä vuosistaan yhtyeen keulilla 80-luvun alussa. Kappaleen on sanoittanut Malcolm Youngin veli Angus Young.

“I still think of him. I was thinking of him when I sang it. It’s just these things about the happy days when we first started in the ‘80s, when I first joined the band. I just remember these very happy, carefree days. And Angus did a magnificent job of putting those lyrics together. I think he really felt it, too, because him and Malcolm were inseparable.”

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Johnson kertoo Malcolm Youngin läsnäolon olleen ilmeistä koko yhtyeelle “Power Up” -sessioiden alusta lähtien, mutta huomauttaa, ettei kyse ole niinkään jäsenten hengellisyydestä vaan Youngin vahvasta luonteesta:

“None of us are spiritual, please don’t even think that! But he was just there. He was a strong, strong character in real life, and passing on didn’t seem to affect his character! He was there and we all knew it. We all just had this enthusiastic feeling that we were doing something that was worthwhile for Malcolm, that would make him proud.”

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