Uusi Broadway Calls EP lokakuussa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 18.9.2011

Oregonista tuleva pop punk -yhtye Broadway Calls on ilmoittanut julkaisevansa uuden EP:n ensi lokakuussa. Kuusi kappaletta sisältävä ”Toxic Kids” EP nauhoitettiin kesäkuussa Jack Shirleyn kanssa ja se julkaistaan Banquet Recordsin kautta. Lue lisää nähdäksesi bändin viestin aiheesta.

For the past several months, we’ve been getting new songs together and today we can finally give you some details. In June we went down to The Atomic Garden and recorded six songs with Jack Shirley that have become our new EP! It’s called Toxic Kids. It’s exactly what we wanted to accomplish. A short pop punk EP that hopefully you won’t get sick of after a few listens. Our friends at All For Hope Records and Banquet Records will help us release it on their respective continents, and we will be doing lots of touring in support of it. See you soon.

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