Vaikutteeni albumeina: Josh Middleton (Sylosis)

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 6.1.2015

Sylosis 2014Brittiläinen uuden koulukunnan heavy metallia soittava Sylosis julkaisee järjestyksessään neljännen albuminsa nimeltä ”Dormant Heart” tammikuun 16. päivä Nuclear Blast Recordsin kautta. Kaaoszine pyysi yhtyeen vokalisti / kitaristia Josh Middletonia listaamaan meille viisi albumia, jotka ovat toimineet sekä miehelle itselleen, että Sylosis -yhtyeelle suurimpana musiikillisena vaikuttajana. Ohessa Joshin valinnat sekä perustelut valintoihin liittyen:

1. Metallica – „…And Justice For All“:

„This album was one of the first actual metal albums that I bought when I was young. I love everything about this album. The fast thrashy stuff and huge epic things they do on this album has been a big influence in what we do in Sylosis.“

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2. Pantera – „Far Beyond Driven“:

„Pantera isn´t as obvious as an influence to Sylosis as Metallica is because Pantera´s riffs are more bluesy. Phil Anselmo has been a big influence to me as a vocalist and Dimebag for me as guitarist. The vibe and heaviness in this album makes it so great. For me this album is as heavy as for example Deicide because the way they play. You can really feel the aggression on this album.“

3. Death – „Symbolic“:

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„That album has been hugely inspiring to us in terms of really heavy riffing. The progressive elements in Death has been an influence to us as well. We may not be as progressive as some bands but it definitely influences what we do.“

4. Mastodon – „Crack The Skye“:

„I have always been into Mastodon and I love „Leviathan“ but when I heard „Crack The Skye“ it just blew me away. I love progressive rock from the 70´s and the atmosphere on this album is just great. So ambient and epic stuff.“

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5. Tool – „Lateralus“:

„When I was younger I used to listen to Tool. I wasn´t actually aware that they were progressive rock when I started listening to them. I just thought that they had their own thing going and they still do. No one sounds like Tool. Another choice that isn´t very obvious when it comes to being an influence but I don´t think we would sound the same without Tool.“

Josh Middletonin taidonnäyte miehen yhtyeen Sylosisin tulevan ”Dormant Heart” albumin kappaleesta ”Mercy”:

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