Vaikutteeni albumeina: Peter G. Shallmin (EscapeTheCult)

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 12.1.2015

Escape The CultMonikansallinen rock -yhtye EscapeTheCult, jossa vaikuttaa mm. Primuksesta tuttu rumpali Tim ”Herb” Alexander julkaisi elokuussa debyyttialbuminsa nimeltä ”All You Want To”. Kaaoszine tavoitti yhtyeessä bassoa soittavan Peter G. Shallminin, joka listasi meille viisi albumia, jotka ovat toimineet herralle itselleen suurimpana musiikillisena vaikuttajana. Voit katsoa Peterin valinnat sekä perustelut valintoihin liittyen tästä:

1. Metallica – “Master Of Puppets”:

”The first album in my life that has completely changed my mind.
It was a revelation: the guitar music on a new level: very heavy, blissfully aggressive, with lots of melody and energy. A true sonic attack! Superb!”

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2. Voivod – “Dimension Hatross”:

”One of my favourite Metal bands of all time. Eclectic, weird thrash metal with dissonant,progressive counterpoints.
Experimental and catchy in the same time!”

3. Death – “Spiritual Healing”:

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”The heaviest masterpiece I ever heard being a 14-old boy from the first seconds of “Living Monstrocity”.
I was deeply impressed of the song’s structures, riffs, solos, speed, Chuck’s voice. Absolute gem!”

4. Bathory – “Twilight Of The Gods”:

”The album that was totally changed my musical taste. I was a fan of BATHORY but Quorthon’s unexpected turn into slow, pagan, epic metal was a like blast. His art is eternal for me. By the way through the years and still very uplifting for me – “Hammerheart” (yes, I know the music originally by Gustav Holst) that I can listen it on the loop through the hours.”

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5. Primus – “Frizzle Fry”:

”My jaw was dropped when I’ve heard it. This was exactly what I wanted to play some day but through my own angle. A truly unique band I sincere love!
I was dreamed to play with Tim Alexander someday what was happened with ESCAPETHECULT which I’m immensely proud.”

Peter G. Shallminin luotsaaman Escapethecultin lyriikkavideo kappaleesta nimeltä ”I’m Absolute”:

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