Vaikutteeni kappaleina: Paul Gidlöf / Beyond All Recognition

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 3.2.2013

Ruotsalainen metalcorea soittava Beyond All Recognition saapuu ensimmäiselle keikalleensa Suomeen ja esiintyy kotimaisen crabcorea soittavan One Morning Leftin lämppärinä Nosturissa 22. päivä helmikuuta. Kaaoszine tavoitti sähköpostitse yhtyeen kitaristin Paul Gidlöfin, joka paljasti meille viisi kappaletta jotka ovat häneen tähän mennessä vaikuttaneet muusikkona eniten. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Paulin lista sekä kommentit kappaleisiin liittyen.

1. Slipknot – ”(sic)”:

”Just a real classic headbanging tune. From the first couple of seconds into the song you just want to punch something really hard and headbang. It has inspired us to go all the way and get full emotions thru our songs. If it wasn’t for this album, I don’t know how the “new metal/metalcore” scene and music would be like today. One of our favorite albums of all time!”

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2. Asking Alexandria – ”Morte Et Dabo”:

”A slightly newer song then the rest. So what can you say about this song? First of all, great lyrics! They are really controversial and gets people debating! Catchy chorus and heavy breakdowns, a recipe for a great song. Asking Alexandria is one of our favorite bands and we really get inspired by them. Looking forward to their new album later this year!”

3. Downlink – ”Gamma Ray”:

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”It was this song that inspired us to mix our music with dubstep and electronics. So of course it had to make the list. The drop in this song is just amazing! So heavy! A little more of the “straight forward” type of sound, compared to the newer type of skrillex style dubstep. Great tune!”

4. Arch Enemy – ”Nemesis”:

”Believe it or not but Arch Enemy is a big influence. The riffs, solos, the aggressiveness and of course the melodies. Great musicians! Maybe it’s not so clear on our album, but it’s there from time to time. This song is a great one. You get completely thrown into it from the first bar in the song. Remember hearing this when we were around 14/15 years old, and getting blown away from all the different elements of the song. You can’t forget the music that has helped forge you to who you are now!”

5. Europe – ”Start From The Dark”:

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”Europe, one of the best bands of all time. The band that got some of the members in BAR to start playing music, especially this song. We will always have a special connection to this band. Such a deep bass line thru the song and a wonderful chorus. If you think that Europe is a cheazy 80’s hairband, think again. This song is heavy, raw and groovy. One of their best albums of all time.”

Beyond All Recognitionin video kappaleesta ”Characters”: