Vakavasta mönkijäonnettomuudesta toipuva Maylene And The Sons Of Disasterin vokalisti julkaisi uuden päivityksen

Kirjoittanut Minttu Koskinen - 21.2.2017

Yhdysvaltalaisen Maylene And The Sons Of Disaster -yhtyeen vokalisti Dallas Taylor joutui viime vuonna vakavaan mönkijäkolariin. Taylor ei käyttänyt ajaessaan kypärää, ja hän kärsi kolarin seurauksena mm. aivo- ja kaulavaltimovaurioista sekä mursi leukansa sekä kätensä. Mies julkaisi ensimmäisen kerran joulukuussa päivityksen omasta toipumisestaan ja nyt kirjoitti uuden tiedon tämän hetkisestä tilanteestaan.

“Just a little update from me. I’ve been having major lower left side back pain which has pretty much left me in the bed for about 3 weeks. My jaw is still messed up, and my bladder doesn’t work properly. My good eye is still not right with the no tears major dryness’ and no tracking. My mouth is also continually major dry. I also have no feeling on the right side of my face due to the stroke and why I shaved (tired of having food in my beard haha).

My new cool glasses haha are to protect me eye, and let me see a little better. I have also been going through some major unrelated life issues. I write all this to say I’m thankful for these times I’m able to focus on myself and becoming a better man. I believe that everything happens for a reason and what doesn’t destroy you only makes you stronger.

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Know that all of you that are reading this, and if your having a hard time try to be still, and patient and use it as a time for God to strengthen you and make you stronger and let him keep your heart warm and happy. You are all beautiful people with a great purpose. Don’t let your downfalls destroy you let them make you stronger and a better person in Jesus name.

“He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name.”
’Psalms 23:2-3 NLT’

Uutiskuva: Dallas Taylorin Facebook-päivitys

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