Viikinkimetallin veteraani Helheimilta uusi albumi tammikuussa: levyn tiedot julki
Norjalainen viikinkimetallia soittava Helheim julkaisee 8. studioalbuminsa “landawarijaR” tammikuun 20. päivä Dark Essence Recordsin kautta. Yhtyeen tulevan albumin tiedot on nyt julkaistu ja voit katsoa ne tästä:
1. Ymr
2. Baklengs mot intet
3. Rista blodørn
4. landawarijaR
5. Ouroboros
6. Synir af heidindomr
7. Enda-dagr
Yhtye aikoo julkaista levyltä maistiaisiksi kaksi musiikkivideota, joista ensimmäinen ilmestyy vielä marraskuun aikana. Videoille päätyneet kappaleet ovat nimeltään ”Ymr” ja ”Baklengs mot intet”. Virallisen tiedotteen tulevaan albumiin liittyen voit lukea tästä:
”Norwegian Viking Metallers HELHEIM have completed work on what will be the band’s ninth full-length album, which is set for release on Dark Essence Records in January 2017. In the run-up to the release of the album, which will be titled “landawarijaR”, the band will be releasing two videos of tracks from the album, the first of which will appear in November.”
”Whilst no information about the album is available yet, HELHEIM have confirmed that the tracks being used for the videos are ‘Ymr’ and ‘Baklengs mot intet’, two songs which, as the band explained ’are neatly intertwined into a dualism that will be portrayed visually by Guilherme Henriques, who is both producing and directing the videos’.”
”As a little taste of what fans can expect from the videos, HELHEIM have published a series of stills from the video shoot by the photographer Mathis Backe of Yggdrasil Photo ( ), and these can be seen on the band’s Facebook page at”
”Bergen-based HELHEIM not only has the distinction of being one on Norway’s oldest Viking bands, it is also one of the bands that has always been true to its Norse heritage. The band’s lineup of Vgandr on bass and vocals, Hgrimnir on rhythm guitar and vocals, Noralf on rhythm and lead guitar and Hrymr on drums and programming, incorporates the local myths and folklore into the subject matter of the band’s songs, and frequently make use of traditional instruments. HELHEIM’s live performances use special effects that emphasize and enhance the themes that wind their way through the band’s music .”
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