Ville Valo kertoo olevansa positiivisesti yllättynyt sekä ”Neon Noir” -albumin vastaanottoon että albumin tiimoilta tähän mennessä soitettuihin kiertueisiin

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 4.2.2024

HIM-yhtyeen keulilta tunnettu Ville Valo on viettänyt viimeiset kaksi vuotta tien päällä kiertäen maailmaa ylistystä saaneen ”Neon Noir” -albuminsa tiimoilta. Valo kertoo tuoreessa The Rockpitin haastattelussa olleensa erittäin positiivisesti yllättynyt soolokiertueensa sekä sooloalbuminsa ”Neon Noir” saamaan suosioon. Valo kertoi haastattelussa soolouraansa liittyvistä peloista seuraavaa:

”Well, the operation in its entirety has been quite — I’ve been awestruck and I’ve been exhilarated. I’m really pleasantly surprised because there were so many things… HIM was such a big part of who I am and still is such a big part of who I am, I wasn’t sure whether I can pull off writing a good song by myself, or to perform it with a new set of lads behind me playing it. And I didn’t know how people were gonna react. For obvious reasons, I was hoping that it wouldn’t be a tribute act in a way and that it wouldn’t be just about the HIM songs. And I’ve been really pleasantly surprised that there seems to be this new generation that never had the chance to see HIM, and some of the newer generation, they seem to be gravitating towards ’Neon Noir’ more than the HIM tracks, which is great. So there’s all sorts of people in the audience. There’s people from between 18 and, let’s say, 68. It’s great that there’s all sorts, and that makes each and every night a bit different. Not to say that there would be grannies on Tuesdays and teenagers on Wednesdays, but it keeps on changing. Also, the cool thing about HIM was the fact that different albums had different levels of success in different parts of the world. So, an album called ’Dark Light’ was quite a success in the States, then an album called ’Love Metal’ was quite a success in the U.K., and an album called ’Razorblade Romance’ was a huge success in the Central Europe area. Then the ’Greatest Love Songs Vol. 666’ was quite massive here in our home country [of Finland]. So, different songs have different meanings to different audiences and people, and that makes it always a positive struggle.”

”It’s been really, really nice because I couldn’t really wish for more. And then the fact that we’ve been able to travel quite a bit. We played 120 shows last year, which is a lot for me. I’ve never been a part of a tour, like an IRON MAIDEN sort of thing, the way you do 300 shows in five years. So, there’s 30 more or so to go before we finish off a Royal Albert Hall in London on, I think the 10th of May. And, yeah, it’s been… I couldn’t really hope for anything more. It’s been amazing, especially after the pandemic. And there’s so many things that influence the overall exhilaration, so to speak.”

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