Vinkkejä mestarilta: Static-X:n Tony Campos kertoo saaneensa vinkkejä partansa kasvattamiseen Slayerin Kerry Kingiltä
Yhdysvaltalainen industrial metal -yhtye Static-X julkaisi hiljattain uuden ”Project Regeneration” -nimisen albuminsa. Yhtyeen basisti Tony Campos on tullut tunnetuksi vuosien saatossa bändin musiikin lisäksi myös komeasta parrastaan ja nyt Tony on paljastanut tuoreessa Ned´s Coffee & Quarantinen haastattelussa, että on saanut vinkkejä komean partansa kasvatukseen Slayerin Kerry Kingiltä. Tony kertoo kasvattaneensa partaa Kerry Kingin mukaan väärin ja hän ottikin heti Kerryn opit käyttöön parran kasvatuksessa. Voit lukea mitä kerrottavaa Tonylla oli aiheesta tästä:
”I don’t know. The beard, I have to give credit or responsibility — whatever you wanna say — I’ve gotta that to [SLAYER’s] Kerry King. He told me how to grow the beard. ’Cause before I took his advice, it wasn’t like [it is right now] — it was a little smaller and a little shorter up front. Of all places, we were backstage at a QUEENSRŸCHE show — they were playing the House Of Blues in Anaheim. And we were both hanging out backstage. And he taps me on the shoulder. I was, like, ’Hey, Kerry, what’s up?’ He was, like, ’You’re growing that wrong.’ ’Really?’ He was, like, ’You’ve gotta grow it from back here.’ [points to the back of his chin] ’Cause at that point, I was only growing it from the edge of my chin. He was, like, ’No. You’ve gotta grow it from back here, down by your throat.’ I was, like, ’Oh! Okay.’ So I took his advice, and here we go. So when people say I look like Kerry King, I say it’s his fault. He told me how to grow the fucking thing. So take it up with him. If he didn’t want me looking like him, he wouldn’t have gave me the fucking advice.”
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