Virkavalta puuttui peliin: Swallow The Sunin keikka Dubaissa peruuntuu saatananpalvontaan liittyvien syytteiden takia

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 8.2.2016

Swallow The Sun 2015 2Kotimaisen melodista doom metalia soittavan Swallow The Sunin oli tarkoitus esiintyä Dubaissa perjantaina 12 päivä helmikuuta mutta yhtyeen keikka on nyt peruttu. Keikan peruuntumisen syyksi on kerrottu yhtyeen saatananpalvontaa edistämä sanoma musiikissaan. Voit lukea promoottorin  tiedotteen aiheesta tästä:

Due to another complaint to the authorities the show got rejected and we will no longer be hosting SWALLOW THE SUN, bilocate and Aramaic.
What we know so far that a competitor has actually filed this complaint mentioning the show was promoting devil-worshiping (which we all know is not the case)
The Show will continue and since none of the original line up can’t perform, let’s fill the bill up with some local talents and celebrate never giving up on the music we love.
Please contact us if you are in as a band or would like to suggest a band for this event,
Noting that swallow the sun members will be as a guest of honor at the venue,
Note: All the online purchased tickets will be refunded and back to their accounts in 3-5 working days.
Stay tuned for the new LINE-UP announcement.
We apologies for the inconvenience caused to everyone
Metal East Records

Swallow The Sun Dubai

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