Vital Remainsin laulaja Brian Werner jättää yhtyeen

Yhdysvaltalaisen death metal -yhtye Vital Remainsin laulaja Brian Werner on päättänyt jättää yhtyeen keskittyäkseen hiljattain perustamaansa uuteen 93 -nimiseen yhtyeeseensä. Brian on julkaissut lopettamisestaan virallisen viestin ja voit lukea sen tästä:
“This has been coming for a min but today I have made the decision to leave Vital Remains. This has been coming for a little while now, there are things going on that I’m really not happy with and life is too short to have the one thing you love most in this world cause you the most stress and aggravation.
I’m not going into any other details nor will I engage in any drama or shit talking of any kind. I still have nothing but love for everyone in the band and I wish them continued success in whatever direction they go. I’ve given the last 7 years of my life to the band but now I need to focus on much bigger things in my life from new music and business ventures to my personal life as well.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyThank you all for the love and support from all over the world, it was truly one amazing ride and I’d be lying if I said this was an easy decision to make, but it’s a necessary one.”
Brian on myöhemmin julkaissut virallisen viestin sekä ensimmäisen trailerin uudesta bändistään. Voit lukea sen tästä:
“Thank you all for the massive outpouring of support yesterday with my decision to leave Vital. Truth is I’ve been working on a new project behind the scenes for a while now with Rithiya Khiev and Chris Joao and 2 others who will not be named yet.
The is being called 93. 93 is representation of both Love and Will as written by Aleister Crowley in The Book of the Law, ’Love is the Law, Love under Will.’ Which is exactly where my head is at these days, I’m ready to get back to loving what I do. The dudes are flying down this weekend to being tracking for the album that will be out early next year.
I was apprehensive about saying anything about this but this is the right time to give you guys a very small taste of things to come. This will be getting deleted later today as it’s not finished yet and just a small teaser.”