Vitsailut Las Vegasin ammuskelusta kävivät kalliiksi: NOFX joutunut keikkapaikkojen boikottilistalle Yhdysvalloissa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 23.6.2018

Yhdysvaltalaisen punkin legendan NOFX:n laulaja Fat Mike on julkaissut Instagramissa pitkän viestin, jonka mukaan yhtyeen vähintäänkin kyseenalaiset vitsit Las Vegasissa tapahtuneesta ammuskelusta bändin Las Vegasin keikan aikana ovat johtaneet yhtyeen boikottiin omassa kotimaassaan yhdysvalloissa. Fat Miken julkaiseman viestin mukaan yksikään suuri klubi Yhdysvalloissa ei ole halukas ottamaan bändiä soittamaan enää klubilleensa ja sen takia yhtye tuleekin soittamaan seuraavat keikkansa Euroopassa, Meksikossa sekä Kanadassa. Voit lukea Fat Miken virallisen vuodatuksen aiheesta Instagramissa tästä:

“Fuck it! I’m not supposed to talk about it, but because of the comments we made in Las Vegas… every NOFX show has been cancelled in the US. We did not drop off the shows…. we were told that NOFX is not welcome to play ANY big venue in the United States. No joke!

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NOFX has effectively been banned in our own country. This is not our choice, but it is our reality. We are very sorry to our fans, especially the ones in Austin. For now, we are playing in Europe, Mexico, and Canada. The Punk in Drublic Festival is still happening in Europe and other continents.

I’m trying my best to bring it back to the US but a lot of people don’t want it to happen. It fuckin sucks! We made a mistake, we apologized, and we gotta suffer the consequences. Maybe it ain’t fair, but whoever said life was. We are just very thankful that our fans are being so supportive. Thanks to all of you!!!!!
See y’all in Slovenia tomorrow!


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Fuck it! I’m not supposed to talk about it, but because of the comments we made in Las Vegas… every NOFX show has been cancelled in the US. We did not drop off the shows…. we were told that NOFX is not welcome to play ANY big venue in the United States. No joke! NOFX has effectively been banned in our own country. This is not our choice, but it is our reality. We are very sorry to our fans, especially the ones in Austin. For now, we are playing in Europe, Mexico, and Canada. The Punk in Drublic Festival is still happening in Europe and other continents. I’m trying my best to bring it back to the US but a lot of people don’t want it to happen. It fuckin sucks! We made a mistake, we apologized, and we gotta suffer the consequences. Maybe it ain’t fair, but whoever said life was. We are just very thankful that our fans are being so supportive. Thanks to all of you!!!!! See y’all in Slovenia tomorrow! #punkindrublicinternational #whendidpunkrockbecomesosafe #IhatednotbeinginOhio

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