Vivian Campbell: ”Def Leppard aloittamassa seuraavan albuminsa kirjoittamisen”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 10.3.2020

Englantilainen rockyhtye Def Leppard on aloittamassa materiaalin kirjoittamisen tulevaa albumiaan varten seuraavan kahden viikon aikana. Yhtyeen kitaristi Vivian Campbell on paljastanut asian tuoreessa Q105.7-radiokanavan haastattelussa ja kertonut joutuvansa itse olemaan poissa bänditapaamisesta, koska hänellä on velvollisuuksia oman yhtyeensä Last In Linen kanssa.

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”I think Joe [Elliott, vocals] and Phil [Collen, guitar] and Sav [Rick Savage, bass] are getting together in the next couple of weeks to start work on something. Unfortunately, by the time I got wind of the schedule, I was already booked to do some shows with LAST IN LINE. But it’s just an initial writing session.

Joe’s always writing songs. In fact, everyone in this band is always writing songs. We always have something in our back pocket. So someone obviously has a burning desire and a song that they really believe in to get the ball rolling. Having said that, it’s just an initial session, and DEF LEPPARD records take a long time to come together. So, we’ll be together pretty soon to start rehearsals for the tour. In fact, we have a one-off show in Mexico on May 1st, a festival date, so we’ll be rehearsing for a week or 10 days before that. And that’s when we’ll probably start to swap ideas and talk about a schedule. But, realistically, it’ll be next year before we get in to actually make a record of any shape.”

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