Voimakasta kaipuuta ja pysähtyvää tunnelmaa: Stephen Brodsky ja Marissa Nadler coveroivat Phil Collinsin ”In The Air Tonight”- sekä Extremen ”More Than Words” -kappaleita

Kirjoittanut Minttu Koskinen - 7.12.2019

Mutoid Manista sekä Cave Inistä tuttu laulaja-kitaristi Stephen Brodsky sekä Marissa Nadler ovat yhteistyössä tehneet omat versiointinsa Phil Collinsin ”In The Air Tonight”- sekä ExtremenMore Than Words” -kappaleista. Huhtikuussa muusikot julkaisivat ”Droneflower”-levyn, jonka jälkeen he ovat jatkaneet yhteistyötään.

Nadler on kertonut syitä sille, miksi hän halusi tehdä Collinsin sekä Extremen kappaleista omat versionsa:

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“Steve and I both grew up in Massachusetts in the ’80s and ’90s. Phil Collins’ ‘In the Air Tonight‘ came out in 1981, and it was the year that I was born. (As well as our newest Droneflower member, Emily Lee (Shearwater/Loma/Snake Oil), and Steve a few years earlier.) I feel that the massive hit really soundtracked my childhood and I know the others do as well.

I have this long list of songs in the ’would love to try to do this’ category. As I’ve mentioned before, Steve Brodsky (and Emily) have made things really easy in that we share obsessive work ethics. We were lucky to bring producer Randall Dunn into mix our version, which was recorded on an extremely hot day at Steve’s apartment in Brooklyn.

‘More Than Words‘ came out in 1990. at that time I was nine and fixated on MTV. It seemed like that video was on forever and had a nostalgic weight to me. I thought it would be really cool to cover it. We wanted to make a creepy, sexy version of both of these songs.”

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