Voivod julkaisee uuden ”Synchro Anarchy” -albuminsa helmikuussa: Uusi koukeroinen kappale ”Paranormalium” kuunneltavissa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 6.1.2022

Kanadalainen progemetalli-legenda Voivod julkaisee 11. helmikuuta uuden ”Synchro Anarchy” -albuminsa Century Media Recordsin kautta. Julkaisu on bändin viidestoista levy, ja sitä edeltää vuonna 2018 ilmestynyt ”The Wake”. Voivodin rumpali Michel ”Away” Langevin kertoo levyn teon olleen hauskaa ja lopputuloksen edustavan yhtyettä sataprosenttisesti.

”We are eager to present our latest work, a real collaborative effort. The new album represents countless hours of writing, demoing, recording, mixing and so on. The band and Francis Perron at RadicArt Studio gave their very best to make it happen under unusual circumstances, which led us to call it ’Synchro Anarchy’. We feel that the sound and music are 100% Voïvod, and we hope everyone will enjoy it as much as we had fun making it. We certainly can’t wait to play it live!”

Yhtyeen tulevalta albumilta on nyt julkaistu kuunneltavaksi uusi kappale nimeltä ”Paranormalium”, josta bändin kitaristi Daniel “Chewy” Mongrain kertoo seuraavaa:

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“‘Paranormalium‘ opens with the very last guitar melody you hear on The Wake’s last song ‘Sonic Mycelium‘, in the fade out of the string quartet. We wanted both entities or dimensions to connect through music as 2 parallel worlds can connect through distorted space-time, black holes, vibrations, spirituality or anything else.

‘Paranormalium‘ is the name Denis ‘Snake’ Bélanger came up with while writing the lyrics, trying to gather all of these concepts in one imaginary particle called ‘Paranormalium‘. Depending on your individual perception or any influential inner or external event, makes oneself see or not see, be part of or not be part of, someone else’s reality OR even being stuck between many different dimensions as it is all connected in some ways through ‘Paranormalium‘.

It’s one of the most complex, twisted and heavy songs on the album with many different landscapes. The melody comes back many times during the song in different forms, as reality can be consisted of the same material taking on different aspects. In the end, are we really living in the reality we think we’re in???”

Voit kuunnella kappaleen tästä:

”Synchro Anarchy” -albumin kappalelista
1. Paranormalium
2. Synchro Anarchy
3. Planet Eaters
4. Mind Clock
5. Sleeves Off
6. Holographic Thinking
7. The World Today
8. Quest For Nothing
9. Memory Failure

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