Volumesin vokalisti jää pois yhtyeen tulevalta Euroopan kiertueelta
Yhdysvaltalaisen progressiivista metallia soittavan Volumesin vokalisti Michael Barr tulee jäämään pois yhtyeen tulevalta Euroopan kiertueelta. Miehen korvaajaksi kiertueelle on valittu The Contortionistissa laulava Michael Lessard. Voit lukea yhtyeen virallisen viestin asiaan liittyen tästä:
“As some of you may already know..we are sad to say that one of our vocalists, Michael Barr, was unable to join us on this European tour with Northlane. After much discussion and consideration, it was decided to have him stay home to work on the upcoming album and further the creative process
Fortunately we were lucky enough to find an excellent replacement in our friend, Michael Lessard, vocalist of The Contortionist. We thank him for taking time out of his busy scheduled to join us on the road for this great tour. To all our European/UK fans and friends—come see us at the show!! #VTEAM”
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