Vulture Industries julkaisi uuden singlen

Kirjoittanut Rudi Peltonen - 5.5.2019

Norjalainen progressiivisen avant-garde-metallin sanansaattaja Vulture Industries on julkaissut uuden ”Deeper”-nimisen singlen huhtikuun lopulla Euroopan-kiertueensa kynnyksellä Dark Essence Recordsin kautta. Nyt biisistä on nähtävillä myös video, jonka tekijänä on romanialainen Costin Choireanu.

”Deeper” kertoo tarinan ihmisen ahneudesta. Vulture Industriesin Bjørnar E. Nilsen kertoo kappaleesta seuraavaa:

It was one of those scorching summer days of 2018. The The parched grass had turned the fields the colour of old paper, and the sun, at its zenith, was mercilessly searing our skin. Thirsty, hungry, and with tongues swelling, we had just missed the ferry crossing and could taste our hopes turn to ashes in our mouths. Trying to remain calm, but steadily feeling the building pressure of desperation, as a boiler ready to blow, we waited in line. Then suddenly the one year old in the back seat broke the silence chanting AHUM, AHUM, AHUM, AHUM! Overcome by what felt like divine inspiration but might very well have been sent from the depths of Hell, I started drumming on the dashboard. DUM, DADADUM, DADADUM, DADADUMDADUMDADUM.”’

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