W.A.S.P.:n entinen rumpali liittyi vakituiseksi jäseneksi Metal Churchiin
Legendaarisessa heavy metal -yhtye W.A.S.P.:ssa vuosina 1991–2005 soittanut rumpali Stet Howland on liittynyt vakituiseksi jäseneksi Metal Churchin riveihin. Mies on kommentoinut tuoretta pestiään Metal Churchin kanssa seuraavasti:
”After being home for only a few days from possibly the best tour of my life, I received a conference call from Kurdt and Mike, for a split second I thought to myself ’Oh shit, what did I do?’ But my concern quickly turned to an un-removable smile when they asked if I would be interested in being a permanent member of METAL CHURCH.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyIt’s no secret that METAL CHURCH have always been one of my favorite metal bands and that, in my opinion, they are on the strongest ascent of any band in their genre! And given that the band kicks ass live, has an incredible record label, amazing publicist, a rabid fan base, relevant new music, recent Billboard chart positions and first week CD sales that rival multi-platinum acts, my answer was an unwavering ”YES”!
On my maiden journey I was blown away by Mike Howe’s consistent crowd destruction, Kurdt’s ridiculously heavy riffs, Rick Van Zandt’s refusal to make even one mistake and my glue-like bond with Steve (it’s a well known fact that METAL CHURCH bass player Steve Unger is one of my closest friends and it was Steve who initially suggested me to the band).
There is understanding, mutual respect and camaraderie present here that is missing in so many ”famous” acts. I am honored to be a member of such a group of people and will do my best to deliver strong performances both live and in the studio.”
Metal Churchin laulaja Mike Howe on kommentoinut yhtyeen tuoreinta jäsentä seuraavasti:
”I am overwhelmed and grateful that Stet has found his way into the fold and I look forward to many successful and joyful performances together.”
Johon yhtyeen kitaristi Kurdt Vanderhoof on lisännyt:
”We are extremely happy to have Stet as our new engine. He is a fantastic drummer and a great guy to work with. But the hazing shall continue relentlessly!”