Warbringerilla uusi kitaristi sekä rumpali
Los Angelesista tulevan thrash metal -yhtye Warbringer on julkaissut omilla Facebook -sivuillaan viestin, jonka mukaan yhtye on löytänyt sekä uuden kitaristin, että uuden rumpalin riveihinsä. Yhtyeen uudeksi rumpaliksi on nimetty Vicken Hovsepian sekä uudeksi kitaristiksi Noah Young. Voit lukea yhtyeen virallisen viestin aiheen tiimoilta tästä:
“Status report- new lineup almost complete. Of previous members, it is myself (Kevill) and original guitarist Adam Carroll remaining. We have two new guys, Noah Young on guitar and Vicken Hovsepian on drums, these dudes kill on their instruments and in the month or so we’ve all been jamming we have about 12 songs getting pretty fucking tight. They are both longtime metalheads and have been into Warbringer for many years, and know well the spirit of the band. Awesome to work with such motivated and talented people.
Unfortunately Ben Mottsman (Bass) is not going to be joining us again, best wishes to him in his new project, farewell to a rocking dude.
We have some bass tryouts coming up and we’ll see how that goes. Yeah, I know, we’ve hit basically every conceivable obstacle out there and this is taking forever. But we aren’t gonna play a damned note to you guys until the band is sounding tighter than ever, we aren’t gonna do some half-assed comeback, when you see us again it’s gonna be sharp as a goddamned razor.Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyySigning off