Warrantin rumpali Steven Sweetillä on diagnosoitu syöpä

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 16.11.2018

Yhdysvaltalaisen metalliyhtye Warrantin rumpali Steven Sweetillä on diagnosoitu eturauhassyöpä. Yhtye ilmoitti Facebook-sivuillaan Stevenin sairaudesta sekä tiedottivat avanneensa GoFundMe-sivuston, jossa kerätään lahjoituksia auttamaan Stevenin hoitojen kustannuksissa. Tarkoituksena on kerätä 25 000 dollaria.

Stevenin ystävä Glenn Noyes kommentoi seuraavasti:


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”He has an amazing emotional support group in place to help him beat this Cancer in his wife Beth, two beautiful children, his bandmates, family, friends and fans. His positive attitude is a great start, but ahead he faces many medical hurdles and many months of post procedural time, not being able to perform live and support his family. We are reaching out to the drumming and music community to help Steven generate some funds to help him with the high costs of medical care, travel to treatment on the East coast and costs not covered by insurance. Treatments start this week so there is definite urgency to this. I’m asking all of you to help by contributing any amount, so Steven can hopefully put this behind him.”