Wes Borland paljastaa Limp Bizkitillä olevan jopa 35 kappaletta instrumentaalina nauhoitettuna seuraavaa albumia varten
Yhdysvaltalaisen nu-metallin jättiläisen Limp Bizkitin edellisestä albumista nimeltä ”Gold Cobra” on kulunut jo 10 vuotta ja bändi onkin siitä asti työstänyt albumille jatkoa onnistumatta kuitenkaan saamaan levyä valmiiksi. Nyt tuoreessa Avenged Sevenfoldin basistin Johnny Christin luotsaamassa Drinks With Johnny -ohjelman jaksossa yhtyeen kitaristi Wes Borland on paljastanut bändillä olevan jopa 35 kappaletta instrumentaalina valmiina levyä varten mutta yhtyeen laulaja Fred Durst ei ole onnistunut kirjoittamaan kappaleisiin mieleisiään sanoituksia ja sen vuoksi levyä ei olla saatu vielä valmiiksi. Borland kertoi levyn tilanteesta seuraavaa:
“We’ve probably, in the last 10 years, been in the studio to try and complete the record, I wanna say, seven times, to different studios. And we’ve been working on stuff, working on stuff, working on stuff. And Fred [Durst, Limp Bizkit frontman] has been consistently kind of unsatisfied with where vision is, I guess. So we’ve released singles — like we did ‘Ready To Go‘, and we did another single called ‘Endless Slaughter‘ that we put out…
We probably have 35 songs recorded instrumentally, and he’s done vocals on them and then thrown the vocals away — done vocals and then [gone], ‘Fuck this,’ [and] thrown it away. So I think he’s finally at the point now where he’s gonna pick a set of these songs that he’s finally cool with and finish ’em and we’re gonna finish the record. So, fingers crossed.”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy
Kysyttäessä koska Borland uskoo bändin julkaisevan albumin kertoo kitaristi asian olevan täysin riippuvainen siitä koska Fred Durst saa levyn laulut mieleiselleen tasolle. Borland kertoi aikataulusta seuraavaa:
“I’m not in charge of Fred‘s vocals… I’m way done with my parts on the record. I’m sure I’ll go back in and play a little bit more after. But it’s fucking Fred Durst. He went from being a darling to everybody’s most hated person in the world. We broke up as a band. He’s tried to find his footing, I think, on a bunch of these songs. He’s so talented, and I love him so much as a brother, but if he’s not ready to do it, he’s not ready to do it…
My whole thing is I force things, but I’m happy to make mistakes and get embarrassed and go, ‘Oh, I shouldn’t have done that.’ But I just like to put stuff out. But he’s a perfectionist, so we’ll see when he’s ready to do it. I doubt it’ll be called ‘Stampede Of The Disco Elephants‘ at that point. I will definitely say that the riffs and the music, it’s the best stuff I’ve ever done as a musician, I think.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyI’m so pleased with the direction the music went, and I love what we did as a band. And I’ve heard a bunch of his, sort of, demoed vocals over the stuff, and they’re great. So I have no doubt that he’s gonna come and bring it and it’s gonna be a great record.”
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