Whitechapelin kitaristi haluaisi Randy Blythen pois vankilasta

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 18.7.2012

Yhdysvaltalaisen deathcorea soittavan Whitechapelin kitaristi Zach Householder on puolustanut Lamb Of Godin vokalisti Randy Blythea hiljattain antamassaan haastattelussa ja toivoisi hänen pääsevän pian pois vankilasta. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Zachin viesti asiaan liittyen.

”I understand everything about it, as far as… It’s a fucking shitty scenario for Randy, and I really hate it. On the other hand, that’s somebody’s kid, and they lost their kid, and I know why they’re upset. [I understand] both sides of the story and it sucks for both of them. I want Randy out of there, ’cause I hate the fact that he’s locked up without his friends and family and he’s far from home; that could be the worst scenario ever for anybody in a band for that to happen. I want him to get out.”

He continued, ”Like I said, I understand why the people [in the Czech Republic] are mad. I just hope that they come to a conclusion about that’s just obviously… Since Dimebag [late PANTERA/DAMAGEPLAN guitarist ’Dimebag’ Darrell Abbott, who was killed while performing in December 2004] was shot, that shit about people getting on stage changed.

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”I back [Randy] for what he did. I’m sure he had no intentions of ever hurting the kid to begin with. It’s an unfortunate series of events — [that’s] what it is — and it just lined up to where Randy got the shit end of the stick right now. I think they’re gonna come to a settlement where they know he didn’t intend to do it. They would be dumb not to take his side of the story and go, ’We understand you didn’t mean to do it. We’re just upset because [a family] lost its kid.’

”It’s just a crappy situation, man.”

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