Wintersun jatkaa uuden albuminsa vihjailua: ”Jotakin loistavaa ja tajuntanne räjäyttävää on vihdoinkin saatu valmiiksi”

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 28.7.2016

Wintersun 2015Uutisoimme aiemmin heinäkuussa Wintersunin julkaisseen kuvan, jossa vihjailtiin yhtyeen seuraavan albumin olevan valmis. Nokkamies Jari Mäenpää on nyt julkaissut Facebookissa viestin, jossa hän selventää aiemman julkaisun merkitystä. Voit lukea hänen julkaisunsa tästä:

”When I announced last week that ’it is done’, I did not mean that IT is done. I meant that IT is done! :D

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”But seriously, after almost two years of insane amount of work (not to mention a lifetime of practicing and developing music composing, lyric writing, playing, singing, production and engineering skills etc.), something big and amazing that will blow your mind has finally been completely finished, 100%! We thought (and I’m sure you did too) that this day would never come, but it’s finally here. I feel I did the impossible! Feeling very proud and happy!

”The question now though is, will it ever be released? Well it will be sooner or later, but that is yet to be determined. I have sent a long email to Nuclear Blast and we are now in negotiations with them. That’s all I can tell you right now. Keep your fingers crossed!”

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