Wintersun suunnittelee jälleen uuden albuminsa rahoituskuvioitaan
Paljon mielipiteitä suuntaan jos toiseen jakaneet kotimaisen metalliyhtye Wintersunin päivitykset uuden albuminsa nauhoitusten rahoituksesta jatkuvat. Yhtyeen virallisilla facebook-sivuilla on tänään päivitetty informaatiota, joka kertoo yhtyeen päässeen jonkun näköiseen sopimukseen Nuclear Blast Recordsin kanssa, mutta suunnitelmat ennakkotilauksilla rahoitettavasta ”Time II” albumin nauhoituksista jatkuvat. Levyn ennakkotilaajille olisi tällä kertaa luvassa melkoisen kattava paketti digitaalisena.
Good news guys! We have reached an agreement with Nuclear Blast. We gotta give them big props for coming through for us! But first, we need to do a little survey to estimate if we could actually reach our crowd funding goal (which is pretty damn high) before we rush into it. We need to estimate carefully our goal, what is possible and what is not before we can move forward with our plans. This is sort of a test run, but this will hopefully determine approximately how much support we would have. We also want to be clear that the crowd funding is not a charity, we are not asking for donations or anything for free. You would totally get your monies worth!
So we would like to know… If we did this crowd funding project, how many of you guys would be willing to pre-order a TIME II High Quality download package? Stem mixes and many other killer goodies would be included in the perk. All details will be revealed later, but this package would be huge, something never done before! Here´s a little taster what the package would include:
– High quality full album download (wav 24bit, 44.1kHz), exactly the way the album was recorded, mixed and mastered
– Includes all tracks (Fields of Snow, The Way of the Fire, One with the Shadows, Ominous Clouds, Storm, Silver Leaves)
– Beautiful PDF extended digital booklet with all crowd funding backer names included (optional)TIME II Stems
– Separated mix tracks for all Drums, Bass, Rhythm Guitars, Melody Guitars & Solos, Vocals, Orchestrations of all songs
– Make your own mix, adjust the levels for your own liking, listen all the main instruments separately, discover and learn all the secrets inside the mix layersBut that´s just for starters, this package would include many other items and surprises. We feel very confident about this and trust that you all would go crazy about it! And this package is just the first perk on the list. But this would be our main focus for the campaign.
The price would be very affordable and with the guarantee that 100% of the raised money would go for the funding of our studio and Wintersun´s album productions. This would be your chance of a lifetime to support us directly and get an insane TIME II package for your money at the same time (pun intended!). So win-win! All we want you to do for now is…Please LIKE this post if you would buy and support us.
Please DO NOT click the LIKE if you would not buy.
AND PLEASE SHARE THIS POST TO EVERYONE!!! Because it’s important that all our potential supporters see this post and we get some idea whether there’s a chance to reach our goal.
– Wintersun boys
Mikäli haluaisitte tilata Wintersunin uuden albumin ennakkoon ja avittaa yhtyettä tällä tavalla edes ylipäätänsä nauhoittamaan sitä, niin käykää tykkäämässä tästä samaisesta päivityksestä yhtyeen omilla facebook-sivuilla.