Wintersunilta päivitys uuteen albumiin liittyen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 8.2.2013

Kotimainen metallia soittava Wintersun on postittanut omalle Facebook -sivuilleen postituksen, jonka mukaan yhtyeen uusi ”Time 2” nimeä kantava albumi julkaistaan vuoden 2014 alussa Nuclear Blast Recordsin kautta. Albumi on jatkumo yhtyeen edelliselle ”Time 1” albumille, joka julkaistiin lokakuussa 2012. Lue lisää nähdäksesi yhtyeen viesti asiaan liittyen.

Hi everyone!

After some Festival- and Summer show announcements we thought we might also give you a heads up regarding TIME II.

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2012 was a really great year for us, the release of TIME I was a huge success and we did two successful tours and many sold out shows. But we are aiming even higher and take Wintersun to the next level in 2013! We have 3 official webstores up and running (Europe, Finland, North America) and we hope you guys like the available items. There´ll be constant updates and new products and we will also have interesting competitions and specials coming up on our pages, so be sure to check it all out.

We are starting the mix of TIME II and it will be released early 2014. The album will continue where TIME I left, but it will be an upgrade in production, it will be equally epic, if not more. It will contain some ”fast stuff” and some guitar shredding (incl. 7 solos) like some of you metal heads and guitar wankers have been wishing for. It will also contain some of the most beautiful music ever written, that will bring a tear to your eye.

We are playing some huge summer festivals in Finland and in EU (Incl. Tuska, Nummirock, Metalfest, Beastival, Hellfest…) and for the first time going to Spain. We are also taking part in EMMA GAALA (”Finnish Grammy”) in March for the nomination of ”Best Metal Album of the Year”. We know it´s going to be an exciting year. It is because all of you who have supported us during the years, we have been able to grow and continue to do what we love.

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Thank you for all the support!

Stay tuned for some further exciting live news soon! We hope to see all of you on the road and during the festival season 2013!

– Wintersun boys

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