Wintersunilta päivitys yhtyeen ensi vuoteen liittyen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 31.12.2014

Wintersun 2014Kotimainen metalli -yhtye Wintersun on julkaissut omalla Facebook -sivustollaan virallisen päivityksen liittyen yhtyeen ensi vuoden suunnitelmiin. Voit lukea bändin päivityksen tästä:


Happy New Year Everybody!!!

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2015 is going to be a very busy year for us. Here´s a little update of our plans and some crowdfunding news and thoughts.

We want to thank all of you for the past year which has been interesting. Thanks for all of your support! We want to thank also again in advance to everyone who are willing to support us in our crowdfunding project! The crowdfunding survey we did in our Facebook page gave us lot of hope and perspective whether this thing would work or not. And now we truly believe it will! But since we didn´t gather yet just quite enough support for what we are aiming (it was very close though with over 8000 likes, but not quite enough for our big plans), we have to make some changes to our plans. And boy, do we got some new ideas!

2015 PLANS

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Firstly, we are re-planning and re-thinking the whole crowdfunding campaign. It´s going to be much bigger than we first planned, because it has to be huge to match our big plans. We actually have already a very good new plan underway and we are very hopeful and confident it will work, but we need to do some extra work making some new perks which is gonna take a while and to get everything done and planned well.

If we would have gotten let´s say 15-20000 backers instantly (less than half of the people who bought TIME I), we could have done the crowdfunding right then and there. But unfortunately we´re not Metallica, so it isn´t that simple. We wish it would be! Also we can´t trust a Facebook ”like” survey 100%, because it´s much easier to simply ”like” a post than to actually whip out a credit card. We understand the crowdfunding is a new thing for a lot of people and some maybe a bit wary of it, but there´s no need, it´s very simple actually and this just might be the only way to keep the Wintersun train rolling forwards! So we have to do it no matter what! Unless some rich bastard wants to throw some money at us hahah!

Secondly, we have booked several shows for 2015. We need to make some starting money by touring to lower the crowdfunding goal a little bit, promote the crowdfunding idea and help us finance some of the extra perks we are now making.


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There was also a little controversy last year about our crowdfunding idea, but we hope that by now everyone understands that we are selling products (perks) with the crowdfunding and not asking for any donations. The fans are not buying us the ”Wintersun Headquarters” studio or anything else. We´ve seen some comments like “you should buy a studio with your own money”. And that´s what we are doing, exactly! The fans are buying a product(s) for themselves from us, they are not buying us the studio. Some perks will be instantly sold, other perks will be pre-orders. What we do with that money afterwards is our business. It is our own money as long as we deliver the goods and we will! But in this case, we are just straight up and transparently telling everyone where all that money is going and we believe our fans will appreciate that transparency.

And we are pretty sure you guys like the idea that you can directly help us to make our future albums faster with the highest quality production, complete TIME II and keep the Wintersun train rolling forwards, right?


So we are producing some more cool perks this year for the campaign to guarantee it´s success! And we believe it will be, but the extra work and extra plans are necessary. We are asking a little patience from you guys, since this is a big project and it´s gonna take a while to plan it well and execute. We are hoping to gather more support this year doing shows, getting some starting money, promoting our crowdfunding idea and then we can launch the campaign with a big bang! We feel this will be an epic VICTORY! We have already really great perks and good plans underway, but we can only do this together! We trust and hope that you guys will back us up when the time comes!

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We also have something very special planned for you at the shows this year, if you show up! We hope you´ll come to support us and buy all our T-shirts and shit! This will already help us a lot!

We will be headlining the Paganfest tour in Europe with eleven shows starting on March 19th, so get your tickets and VIP passes! Then we are doing some festival shows in the spring/summer and we are coming to play in new countries where we haven´t played before, like Norway and Sweden! And then in the fall… There might be some epicness coming your way! There will be more updates coming throughout the year so make sure to like our Wintersun Facebook page and also follow Jari´s personal Facebook page, if you haven´t already done so! You don´t wanna miss what´s coming!

We hope to see you at the shows and have a great year everyone!!!

– Wintersun

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