Wintersunin uusi albumi myöhästyy

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 14.9.2012

Kotimaisen extreme metallia soittavan Wintersunin uusi albumi ”Time I” myöhästyy viikolla. Näin ollen uusi julkaisupäivä Suomessa on 19. lokakuuta. Lue lisää nähdäksesi yhtyeen virallinen viesti aiheeseen liittyen.

”As we want to give all our incredible fans something truly special and outstanding for our second album ”TIME I”, there is going to be a limited mediabook edition including DVD available, but due to unfortunate manufacturing delays the TIME I album release has been postponed by a week.“

The new release dates are:

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October 19: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Finland, Norway
October 22: North America, UK, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, Denmark, Portugal, Poland (+ all other European countries not mentioned in this list)
October 23: Italy
October 24: Sweden

”We feel very bad about this. This is a big hit for us, so we need your support now more than ever!

Be sure to come by our shows in Finland the week before album release, as we play the TIME I album live for the first time ever! See you there!“

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”TIME I“ will be available as follows:
– Limited Mediabook (Hard cover, wide format) CD + DVD
– Limited Mediabook (Hard cover, wide format) CD + DVD + Instrumental CD of „TIME I“, Certificate (Limited to 500 copies, exclusively available at Nuclear Blast)
– Limited Mediabook (Hard cover, wide format) CD + DVD + signed photo card Jari Mäenpää (Limited to 1.000 copies, exclusively available at
– Limited Mediabook (Hard cover, wide format) CD + DVD + WS Logo Shirt gray/black (exclusively available at Levykauppa Äx)
– CD Jewelcase
– Digital download
– iTunes digital download w/ „TIME I“ booklet

The bonus DVD includes:

– TIME I Live Rehearsals At Sonic Pump Studios
– Licks & Tricks
– Sons Of Winter And Stars – Project Demonstration
– Photo Gallery

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3 comments on “Wintersunin uusi albumi myöhästyy”

  1. Risto

    Aika noloa kopioida Born Of Osiriksen kansitaidetta

  2. JJ

    Siis voi jumalauta että on vaikeata saada yks levy pihalle.

  3. Joonasd

    Kopioida on kieltämättä väärä sana tässä tapauksessa. Haepa googlesta ”Cameron Gray”. Herra on nimittäin tehnyt kansitaidetta Wintersunin ja BOO:n lisäksi myös Ascariasisille, Dead Letter Circusille, sekä kotoiselle Circle Of Contemptille.

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