Witchery © Sinner Art

Witchery julkaisee marraskuussa uuden albumin – ensimmäinen single ja musiikkivideo julki

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 1.9.2017
Witchery © Sinner Art

Black/thrash-jyrä Witcheryn viimevuotinen paluulevy ”In His Majesty’s Secret Service” on saamassa jatkoa varsin pian. Yhtye aikoo nimittäin julkaista seuraavan täyspitkänsä nimeltä ”I Am Legion” marraskuun 10. päivä Century Media Recordsin kautta. Levyn ensimmäinen single, ”True North”, on kuunneltavissa alla musiikkivideon muodossa.

”I Am Legion” tuotettiin ja miksattiin mm. Behemothin, In Flamesin ja Meshuggahin käyttämässä Dugout -studiossa Daniel Bergstrandin toimesta. Albumin kansitaiteen puolestaan on tuottanut Andreas Diaz Pettersson.

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Ruotsalaisyhtyeen kitaristi Patrik Jensen kertoo uudesta albumista:

The first few days after the release of ”Nosferatu” (the first single from 2016’s ”In His Infernal Majesty’s Service” album) I was quite taken aback. There had been so many years between the releases of ”Don’t Fear The Reaper” and ”Witchkrieg” (4 years) and then an additional 6 more years between ”Witchkrieg” and ”In His Infernal Majesty’s Service” that I hardly thought anyone remembered WITCHERY anymore…

We got our s*** together for “IHIMS” in order to celebrate the band’s 20th anniversary. We wrote new songs and got a few new members so we could make the album happen and have it released in 2016. But that was the goal; to merely celebrate the band’s 20 years of existence. Then, after ”Nosferatu” was released, this massive wave of appreciation started to surface. When the full album dropped in November 2016 we experienced a surge of positive feedback on the rest of the album as well. I mean, we all loved the album and knew it was good, but we were thrilled to see that also other people heard what we heard; that it was a great album and that this line-up had both the chops and riffs needed, displaying them with an enthusiasm and bravado perhaps not seen since maybe the early days of the band’s existence!

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This feedback of positive energy set things in motion within the band. Remembering our promise from somewhere around the release of the ”Dead, Hot And Heavy” album that we would put out two albums a year (youthful hubris, anyone?), we thought to ourselves: ”Let’s try to put out a new album within a year of the release of IHIMS”. Said and done.
So here we are. It’s August 2017, and we are very happy and immensely proud to announce ”I Am Legion”, the new full-length follow-up album to 2016’s “IHIMS”, scheduled for release on November 10th! With ”I Am Legion” having the same line-up, the same studio (Dugout Studios) and the same producer (Danne Bergstrand) as on “IHIMS”, you just know that this will be yet another sonic fist-to-the-face riffage offering! We think “IHIMS” is a great album, but we also think ”I Am Legion” takes everything up a notch or two!

Those of you who saw us play at Wacken a few weeks ago got to hear the world premiere of the song ”True North”, which will be the first single from the new album. We are very excited about ”I Am Legion” and we hope this release shows that WITCHERY, albeit after 20 years of existence, isn’t going to fade away. On the contrary, WITCHERY is more likely entering the most productive phase yet in the band’s career!”

Tuoretta singleä hän kommentoi seuraavasti::

“”True North” is somewhat of a different song compared to what WITCHERY usually puts out. Maybe that’s why we made it the first song on the new album? Regardless, it’s a song that we in the band all really like and that most likely will become a regular in our live set.”

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Angus Norder (NEKROKRAFT) – Laulu
Patrik Jensen (THE HAUNTED) – Kitara
Rickard Rimfält (EX-SEANCE)  -Kitara
Chris Barkensjö (LIK) – Rummut


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