Wolf Hoffmann Acceptin uudesta materiaalista: ”Haluamme kappaleiden kuulostavan siltä, kuin ne olisi voitu kirjoittaa 30 vuotta sitten”

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 10.1.2017

Saksalaisen heavy metal -legenda Acceptin kitaristi Wolf Hoffmann on antanut Metalholic-sivulle haasttatelun liittyen yhtyeen tulevaan albumiin, joka julkaistaan tänä kesänä Nuclear Blast Recordsin kautta. Hoffmannin mukaan yhtyeen tavoite uutta materiaalia kirjoittaessa on ollut klassisen tyylinsä jatkaminen, sillä muutosten ei koeta olevan tarpeellisia. Hän kertoi seuraavaa albumin nauhoituksista:

”I think it’s gonna sound awesome. We have [producer] Andy Sneap on board again. We’ve done about twelve or thirteen rough ideas. Some of ’em are actually pretty complete already. And it’s now time to go to the next phase. I need to work out my guitar parts. Mark [Tornillo] has done a bunch of vocals already. So we’re making progress. But, of course, it’s still a long ways to go. But I think it’s gonna be quite good, man; I’m having a good feeling about it. But, like I said, I’m not very objective at this point.”

Kysyttäessä kuinka paljon kitaristi Uwe Luisin ja rumpali Christopher Williamsin liittyminen yhtyeeseen 2015 on vaikuttanut tulevaan levyyn, Hoffmann vastasi:

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”Well, Christopher’s drumming already has impacted the new record,” he said. ”He’s awesome! He’s a really talented drummer, and he’s laid down some killer drum tracks. I’m very happy about that. That alone will make the album pop out quite a bit. So you’re gonna hear him on this album, definitely. But, you know, it’s not gonna change ever dramatically, because as long as Peter [Baltes, bass] and I sort of write the songs in the way that we do, it’s always gonna sound very much like ACCEPT, and it’s what we’re going for. We don’t really ever want any changes. ’Cause we’re going for that consistent vibe in our songs. And the best compliment we sometimes give each other is when we finish a song and we say, ’Man, that sounds like 1982 all over again.’ ’Cause we don’t want it to sound any different at this point. We just want it to sound like it could have been written thirty years ago — only with a modern twist and a modern production and maybe better than ever, but the general vibe shouldn’t be any different. We don’t really wanna change at this point.”

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