Yngwie Malmsteen lyttää entisiä laulajiaan tuoreessa haastattelussa: Joe Lynn Turner antaa samalla mitalla takaisin

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 30.7.2017

Ruotsalainen kitarasankari Yngwie Malmsteen on antanut hiljattain Metal Wanille haastattelun, jossa on lytännyt lukuisia miehen entisillä sooloalbumeilla laulaneita laulajia kuten Jeff Scott Soton, Joe Lynn Turnerin sekä Tim ”Ripper” Owensin sanoen aikovansa kiertää kaukaa yhteistyön heidän kanssaan tulevaisuudessa:

”I’m very comfortable singing myself, first of all. Secondly, there’s a certain disconnect when you write the song and you have someone else sing it for you. And it’s kind of like a fakeness about it. I always wrote everything — I wrote all the lyrics, I wrote all the melodies, everything; it’s just somebody else sung it. And to me, the singer is nothing else than a different… like a bass player or a keyboard player — they’re not more important than any other musician. And they, unfortunately, seem to think that they are. And I’ve kind of had it with their sort of… self-absorbed sort of way, and I’m very much against it. No. I don’t like that. I don’t like any of those people, and I don’t like to do anything with them ever again.”

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Kyseinen haastattelu on ilmeisesti tavoittanut myös Joe Lynn Turnerin sillä mies on kommentoinut yhteistyötä Yngwie Malmsteenin kanssa seuraavasti:

”In regard to the recent Malmsteen article, I feel compelled to rebut his delusional statements.

”The ’Odyssey’ album was his biggest success that he has not since and will never repeat again. It’s undeniable that I am responsible for 50% of the writing credits, namely the melody and lyrics and 100% of the vocal performances.”

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”Malmsteen’s statements can only be taken as the rantings of a megalomaniac desperately trying to justify his own insecurity. His claim that ’singers’ are too egotistical is moronic and pathetic coming from him. The fact that he would lash out at all the great vocalists and respectful gentlemen that he had the good fortune and honor to work with is simply outrageous.

”How sad does a man become when he has to downgrade others to make himself feel big and important. This man thrives on public approval and needs total control because he lives in personal fear.

”I quit ’RISING FORCE’ because of his intolerable and twisted ego.

”If your pride is bigger than your heart and your ego is bigger than your head grow up or you will be alone for life. But after all, who can blame a child who shits his pants because he just doesn’t know any better.”

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