Zakk Wylde kommentoi AC/DC:n päätöstä todennäköisesti jatkaa ilman Brian Johnsonia

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 31.3.2016

Zakk Wylde 2016Black Label Societysta tuttu kitaristi Zakk Wylde on antanut hiljattain Artisan Newsille haastattelun liittyen tulevaan sooloalbumiinsa ”Book of Shadows II” liittyen. Haastattelun yhteydessä keskustelu on ajautunut AC/DC:n tämän hetkiseen tilanteeseen laulaja Brian Johnsonin kuulo-ongelmien kanssa ja Wylde on kertonut aiheesta oman mielipiteensä tähän malliin:

”That’s really sad, man. ’Cause Brian’s… I met Brian one time. He’s a really sweet guy; he’s super cool. But with the hearing, I read [an interview] where Brian was saying [the hearing loss was caused by] him being in race cars and not wearing his earplugs when he was in the car. And he said he actually heard his eardrums explode when he was in the car, ’cause he didn’t have the earplugs in. ’Cause he said it didn’t have anything to do with music.”

”Me personally, if you don’t have anything aimed directly at your head… That’s what it’s all about. Pete Townshend [of THE WHO] said [his hearing loss] was [caused by] all the years of cranking the music when he was mixing the records and making the album, of just blasting it, so it’s right here [puts hands close to his ears] — as opposed to surrounding it. I mean, a 4×12 [guitar cabinet] is a very directional cabinet, so if you step to the side of it… especially the bottom ones, ’cause it’s only hitting your legs. I mean, the top ones is where… If you’re standing right in front of it, that’ll smash you. Anything that’s not directional… I mean, if anything’s near you, that’s when it’s gonna really blast you; it’s like a ice pick going off in your head.”

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”It’s sad, with Brian. Hopefully he’ll get better. But once it’s smashed, it’s smashed, pretty much.”

Kysyttäessä Wyldelta pitäisikö AC/DC:n jatkaa uraansa ilman Brian Johnsonia vastasi Wylde seuraavaa:

”Supposedly [late AC/DC singer] Bon [Scott] was the one that recommended… he was talking about how awesome Brian was. He saw him playing one night — Bon did. And he was saying, ’I saw this singer, this Brian Johnson guy, who’s amazing,’ when Brian was doing his band [before AC/DC]. And that’s how they got tipped off on Brian, how they knew about him, was through Bon. So who knows? Brian might have one of his buddies he knows that’s a great singer and just pass the torch. Just kind of like the whole Malcolm [Young, former AC/DC rhythm guitarist] thing, with their nephew [Stevie Young stepping in after Malcolm was diagnosed with dementia] or whatever. I mean, it’s up to the fellows, but I just wish Brian gets better, though.”

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