Aborted kiinnitti kitaristi Harrison Patuton yhtyeen viralliseksi jäseneksi – tyylinäyte kappaleesta ”Exquisite Convinous Drama” katsottavissa
Belgialainen death metal -yhtye Aborted on saanut uuden virallisen jäsenen, kun kiertuekitaristi Harrison Patuto on liittynyt yhtyeen vahvuuteen. Jo vuoden verran yhtyeen kanssa esiintynyt Patuto liittyi Abortedin kiertuevahvuuteen, kun bändin edellinen kitaristi Mendel bij de Leij ilmoitti lähtevänsä yhtyeestä helmikuussa 2019. Patuto kommentoi nykyistä pestiään seuraavasti:
”It is with great pleasure that I announce my permanence within the band of ABORTED. This past year has been a surplus of hard work and good times, as we performed a total of 82 shows together. There were big shoes to fill for me, but the dedication, effort, talent and kindness of the guys has made it all the more easy for me to feel at home. There are exciting things ahead, and I could not be more honoured to be a part of it.”
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Yhtyeen solisti Svencho puolestaan kommentoi uutta kitaristia seuraavin sanoin:
”Since we parted ways with Mendel after the Hell Over Europe tour 2, we have been working on getting a more than stellar replacement, we wanted to take our time to make sure the ’new guy’ would fit the band both in terms of personality, writing and had the necessary dedication and skills. After doing several tours with Harrison Patuto, it was very clear he is the right man for the job, so with no further ado, please welcome mister Harrison Patuto as the official 5th member of the band! We are sure several of you have seen him on stage with us already and he will be partaking in the writing of our next album. Here’s a video of him shredding through ’Exquisite Covinous Drama’ for you all to see!”
Patuton tyylinäytteen kappaleesta ”Exquisite Convinous Drama” voit katsoa alta: