Alice Cooper: ”Iron Maidenin ja Judas Priestin kuuluisi ehdottomasti olla Rock And Rollin Hall Of Famessa”
Julkaisimme sivustollamme helmikuussa uutisen, jossa kerroimme Twisted Sister -nokkamies Dee Sniderin kokevan, ettei Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame -ehdokkaista päättävä lautakunta arvosta metallimusiikkia tai sen alatyylilajeja. Lautakunnan jäseniä Twitterissä ”ylimielisiksi elitisti-kusipäiksi” kutsunut Snider viittaa ulostulossaan Motörheadin, Judas Priestin ja Iron Maidenin kaltaisten metallimusiikin pioneerinimien jättämiseen ulos Rock Hallista.
Kauhurokkari Alice Cooperilta on tuoreessa The Mistress Carrie Podcastin haastattelussa kysytty mitä mieltä Cooper itse on Sniderin kommenteista, että lautakunta ei arvosta tarpeeksi metallimusiikkia tai sen alatyylilajeja valinnoissaan. Cooper kertoo haastattelussa myös välillä ihmettelevänsä valintoja ja toteaa haastattelussa, että esimerkiksi juuri Dee Sniderin edustama Twisted Sister sekä heavy metal -legendat Judas Priest ja Iron Maiden kuuluisivat ehdottomasti osaksi Rock And Rollin Hall Of Famea. Cooper jakoi ajatuksiaan aiheesta seuraavasti:
”Dee Snider deserves [to get in there]. I mean, Dee was not just a lead singer; he did some politics there, and he was also a spokesman, and he was just an all-around great guy.
”TWISTED SISTER didn’t sell a gigantic amount of records — they didn’t even make that many records — but they were effective,” he explained. ”And part of the Hall Of Fame [criteria] is how much did you affect rock and roll. That’s why bands that were not really [huge]… Like Tom Waits — how many records did Tom Waits sell? I went in with him, and I really respect Tom Waits. I didn’t respect how many albums he sold; I respeced what he brought to rock and roll. So that’s kind of what they really go on.
”But there’s people, to me, where… I can’t understand why [American songwriter] Burt Bacharach’s not in the Hall Of Fame. He wrote as many hits as THE BEATLES. I can’t understand why a lot of people… A lot of my people did get it. Paul Butterfield got in, and Laura Nyro got in, and people like that that I thought were way on the backburner, but were really giants in what they were doing.
”So, yeah, I think IRON MAIDEN belongs in, I believe JUDAS PRIEST belongs in — bands that I cannot believe that they’ve overlooked,” Alice added. ”But there’s a nominating committee, there’s a voting thing. I know who I voted for — I voted for the ones that I thought were most deserving to get in there. Not how many records they sold or how popular they were, but how much they contributed something new to rock and roll, or something really valid.”
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