Angus Young muistelee Guns N´ Rosesin Axl Rosen pestiä bändissä: ”Olemme hänelle ikuisesti kiitollisia”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 13.11.2020

Australialainen rockin suuruus AC/DC julkaisi tänään odotetun ”Power Up” -albuminsa, ja Kaaoszinen arvion levystä voit lukea täältä. Yhtyeen kitaristi Angus Young on antanut levyyn liittyen Apple Musicin Zane Lowelle haastattelun, jossa on kertonut olevansa ikuisesti kiitollinen Guns N´ Rosesin Axl Roselle, joka lauloi bändin keulilla ”Rock Or Bust” -albumin maailmankiertueen viimeiset keikat laulaja Brian Johnsonin kärsiessä kuulo-ongelmista. Angus Young kertoi yhteistyöstä Axl Rosen kanssa haastattelussa seuraavaa:

“I’d only met him a long time ago in the 80s. He had come to a show and he was, to me, he was very, very nice and everything. So, we got to a rehearsal place and tried out and he put a lot of effort in everything. Basically, that’s how it came in to be, that allowed us to finish off those dates.

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So for us, it was a heaven sent. It was a little bit like a lifesaver. Even though he had done his foot in before he started, he borrowed a chair. He was determined he was going to go.

The first show we had to do, I think it was in Portugal [at Lisbon’s Passeio Maritimo de Algés, specifically, on May 7, 2016]. It was a horrible day. It was raining and everything, it was open air. It was… everything was going wrong and then just at the last minute, the sky cleared, the storm went away. We got on stage and got through. He performed from the chair, gave it his best shot and we got through.

So for the band, we’ll be forever grateful and he helped us get through all of those shows.”

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