Battle Beast
Battle Beastilta uusi single ja musiikkivideo ”Eden”

Battle Beast on julkaissut uuden singlen ja musiikkivideon kappaleeseen ”Eden”. Kappale on poiminta tulevalta ”No More Hollywood Endings” albumilta, joka ilmestyy maaliskuun 22.päivä.
Kitaristi Joona Björkroth kommentoi:
’Eden’ was born about one year ago when I was going through an extremely bad period in my personal life. I wrote the song as a remembrance to myself that whatever life throws at you, there’s light in the end. Many bad things people have in their lives are creations of their own mind and can be mended by letting go. The song is a sincere ”f*** you!” to fear, pain… whatever it is that is holding you down!”