Black metal -legenda Immortal saanut valmiiksi seuraavan albuminsa
Norjalainen black metal -legenda Immortal on saanut valmiiksi järjestyksessään kymmenennen studioalbuminsa nimeltä ”War Against All”, joka julkaistaan myöhemmin ilmoitettavana ajankohtana Nuclear Blast Recordsin kautta. Yhtyeen perustaja ja tällä hetkellä ainut virallinen jäsen Demonaz kertoo albumista seuraavaa:
”Immortal continues the style that was established and defined on our very first records. It ́s fast, furious, epic, and mighty Blashyrkh metal – the one and only way!”
Demonaz kertoo ”War Against All” -albumin teosta puolestaan seuraavaa:
“Even though the studio work is necessary to get an ultimate recording, the writing process is obviously my favourite. I still write all the guitar riffs/music at home with the same old vibe, and the lyrics as well. The early days of black metal inspire me the most. Cold nights in the woods, on the mountains under the winter moon. That´s what keeps the spirit alive, and the foundation to all our music”
Immortalin tuleva albumi nauhoitettiin Bergenissa Norjassa Earshot & Conclave studiossa. Demonaz kertoo levyn nauhoituksista seuraavaa:
”It´s actually the same studio where I recorded the guitars and vocals for Northern Chaos Gods. They also did a great job with the new album, and it was a pleasure to go back and work there again. I am especially pleased with the outcome on this one. It´s got that cold biting guitar sound, yet powerful production.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyImmortal have never compromised on the original vision, which is taking fans on a journey through Blashyrkh with our most grim and dark music, with every new release. These songs are no exception to this. I am proud of the final result, it ́s got a distinct expression, and I can ́t wait to let the fans hear it!”

- War Against All
- Thunders Of Darkness
- Wargod
- No sun
- Return To Cold
- Norlandihr
- Immortal
- Blashyrkh My Throne