Cemetery Skyline julkaisi musiikkivideon ”I Drove All Night” -tulkinnalleen

Kirjoittanut Ingeborg Roos - 13.3.2025

Cemetery Skyline on julkaissut musiikkivideon Cyndi LauperinI Drove All Night” -kasarihitistä tekemälleen coverille. Videon on ohjannut Brendan McGowan.
Kosketinsoittaja Santeri Kallio kertoo kappaleesta ja videosta seuraavasti:

”We were in the middle of writing the songs for ’Nordic Gothic’ and the tracks were flying back and forth over the Baltic Sea when Markus suddenly came up with the idea to record a cover version of the 80s classic ’I Drove All Night’. Some may consider it as a Roy Orbison hit, but back in high school I used to bang my head to the wall with Cyndi Lauper’s original version. So as an old fan of the song – I just could not resist the idea. The rest of the band soon joined the excitement to give this classic a new and darker crust. I also like to think that Markus’ passion for vintage cars had something to do with the idea to cover a song which is all about manically driving in darkness the whole night. We basically changed the song’s Cadillac to a hearse and all was set.”

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