Conjurer sopimukseen Nuclear Blastin kanssa – ”Olemme löytäneet oikean kodin musiikillemme”
Brittiläinen post metal -yhtye Conjurer on solminut levytyssopimuksen Nuclear Blastin kanssa. Yhtye aikoo julkaista uransa toisen levyn tämän vuoden aikana. Laulaja-kitaristi Brady Deeprose kommentoi sopimusta:
“Conjurer are extremely excited to partner with Nuclear Blast worldwide for the forthcoming release of our second album. Having spent the last year or so getting to know Monte Conner, we count ourselves lucky to be working with not only a true legend in the world of heavy music, but one who continues to champion exciting, forward-thinking art. We’ve now also been introduced to Barley and the rest of the international team at NB and it’s evident that they understand our mentality and want nothing more than to support and nourish our creativity. In what has been an awful year on so many levels, we are grateful to have found the right home for our music.
We look forward to working together with NB to bring you our sophomore album in 2021, and much more in the years to follow.”
Nuclear Blastin Monte Conner sanoo:
“I am thrilled to welcome the mighty Conjurer to the worldwide NB family. I must stress ’worldwide’ because I originally signed them just for North America, but due to a change in circumstances I got to sign them again, and this time for the WORLD! So, I guess you could say I liked these guys so much that I signed them TWICE! When COVID finally lifts, be sure and see them live as they will absolutely blow you away.”