Corey Taylorilta tyly kuitti Nickelbackin Chad Kroegerin syytöksiin: ”Ota Hello Kitty -tyynysi ja ole hiljaa”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 22.6.2017

Yhdysvaltalainen rockyhtye Stone Sour joutui hiljattain Nickelbackin laulajan Chad Kroegerin pilkan kohteeksi tämän haukkuessa Stone Souria kevyeksi versioksi Nickelbackista. Corey Taylorilta on nyt kysytty tuoreessa haastattelussa mielipidettä Chad Kroegerista ja Corey antoikin Chadille takaisin samalla mitalla:

“I was so cued up to say some stuff about him, and then I just started reading all the comments online. I don’t have to say a damn thing. He is not a liked person. You can run your mouth all you want. All I know is I’ve been voted ‘Sexiest Dude In Rock’ wearing a mask. You’ve been voted ‘Ugliest Dude In Rock’ twice without one. Stick that up your ass.”

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“I love all the dudes in that band. I love Mike [Kroeger]. Everybody else in that band I’m very, very cool with; I’ve hung out with them. It’s just ‘Face Like A Foot’ who I can’t really hang out with. He’s got a face like a foot. Am I wrong? … So, dude, curl up in bed with your Hello Kitty pillow and shut up.”

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