David Draiman: ”En usko, että Disturbedia olisi olemassa ilman Panteraa”
Yhdysvaltalaisen metallilegendan Panteran uran tunnetuimpiin albumeihin lukeutuva ”Vulgar Display Of Power” täytti eilen 30 vuotta ja Kaaoszinen klassikkoarvostelun albumista voit lukea täältä. HardDrive radion juontaja Lou Brutus kyseli hiljattain eri muusikoilta Panteran albumin merkityksestä heille itselleen ja Disturbedin David Draiman kertoi haastattelussa, että todennäköisesti hänen yhtyettä ei edes olisi ilman Panteraa sillä bändi on toiminut niin valtavana vaikuttajana Disturbedille yhtyeen uran alussa. Draiman kertoi aiheesta seuraavaa:
”[PANTERA] really, I think, at that point, had honed the whole groove metal thing that they had pioneered; they had gotten it to be so, so perfect. And look, that record was songs we covered, songs we adored, songs that were the soundtrack to many a late-night bit of Sodom and Gomorrah on the bus [laughs] — all kinds of craziness. There was all kinds of moments that those songs are literally part of the soundtrack to our upbringing.
”A lot of people don’t really know this, but I don’t think that there would be a DISTURBED without PANTERA. I mean, the band that was DISTURBED before me that used to be called BRAWL had a singer by the name of Erich [Awalt], and he was very much in the Phil Anselmo school. [Editor’s note: A four-song demo from BRAWL can be heard below.] All the stuff that I heard when I went to audition for the DISTURBED guys originally was much, much closer to old-school PANTERA than it was modern-day DISTURBED. And I was not sure I could even complement it properly at the time; I didn’t know if my voice could be as ferocious as the music seemed to call for.
”I told Phil this when I saw him — I think the last time I saw Phil was actually in Texas; he was opening up for DANZIG with SUPERJOINT, I think, at the time,” Draiman added. ”And I told him that. I’m, like, ’Look, dude. You know it, I know it — I learned so much from you over the course of years.’ He looks at me and goes, ’I know.’ [Laughs]”