DevilDriver julkaisee syksyllä uuden albumin – ensimmäinen single ”Keep Away From Me” kuunneltavissa

Yhdysvaltalainen groove metal -yhtye DevilDriver julkisti juuri syksylle ilmestyvän tupla-albumin ”Dealing With Demons”, jonka ensimmäinen osio saapuu keskuuteemme lokakuussa. Samaan syssyyn yhtye jakoi iloksemme myös levyn ensimmäisen singlen ”Keep Away From Me”, joka sai seurakseen myös virallisen lyriikkavideon. Alla yhtyeen nokkamies Dez Fafaran mietteet tulevasta albumista sekä singlestä:
“I’ve been social distancing since I was born. I’ve learned to try and embrace my Agoraphobia all my life. This is what the lyrics are about as we are all sheltered in place. They seem very clear. Now is not the time bands should shy away from the obvious by trying to push the narrative through their art as if everything is alright with the world and ‘it’s metal video visual as usual time’, as it is clearly NOT that time.
“We as artists should speak up, inspire and change lives, or paint a picture – a time capsule if you will – by the narrative we push in uncertain times. This video is one such art piece as my band and thousands of others are forced into quarantine – cannot rehearse, take photos, or perform – to make a music video for the very people that have supported us for years. It’s trying times for the world and my outlook through this video is simply this: ‘here’s what we are going through as a family on this planet and as we embrace what is yet to come… please Stand Together’.”
Voit kuunnella uuden DevilDriverin singlen tästä: