DevilDriver vokalistilta ja Lamb Of God kitaristilta yhteinen projekti

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 15.3.2012

DevilDriverin vokalisti Dez Fafara on aloittanut yhteisen projektin Lamb Of Godin kitaristin Mark Mortonin kanssa. Projekti on saanut nimekseen Born Of The Storm ja voit katsastaa kappaleet nimeltä ”Dust” sekä ”Nowhere Fast” yhtyeeltä täältä sekä täältä. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Mark Mortonin virallinen viesti projektiin liittyen.

”It’s interesting how [the collaboration with Dez] happened because essentially this is a project that Dez and I have been playing with for a long time. But what it really is, it’s two friends sending songs back and forth via email and just tinkering with stuff purely for fun. We made the mistake, I suppose… or overlooked the fact… we were tweeting with someone or I answered a question about it. I don’t even remeber exactly how it went down, it might’ve even been me and Dez tweeting back and forth. Someone caught wind of it and decided to make it a heavy metal news headline that Dez and I have a side project. [Laughs] It’s really not anything we are promoting, it’s not anything that we are necessarily working to release, it’s really just two friends having fun writing music. I think the fact that so many people are now asking questions about it and that it has generated so much interest, we may wind up putting a song or two out there just to let people put their ears on it and maybe get some feedback. But, really, the catalyst for it was that… I mean, I’m sure you talk to a lot of musicians and you probably hear this… but when you get signed to a label or when your band reaches a certain status, or when you’re on the road a lot, a lot of times the business side of things and the press… interviews, the touring, all the things that don’t have to do with strapping on your guitar or grabbing a mic and singing, a lot of the time those things can overshadow the actual creative process and I think it’s really important to do music for the sake of pure creativity and that’s the story with the project that Dez and I have. We’re not exactly sure if or when we’re going to release it. It’s really just two friends having fun.”

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