DevilDriverilla valmiina 12 kappaletta tulevaa albumiaan varten

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 3.5.2015

DevilDriver 2012Parhaillaan toisen yhtyeensä Coal Chamberin kanssa tien päällä oleva DevilDriverin vokalisti Dez Fafara on antanut hiljattain australialaiselle The Rockpit -julkaisulle haastattelun, jossa paljastaa DevilDriverin julkaisevan tulevan albuminsa vuoden 2016 aikana. Yhtyeellä on Dezin mukaan valmiina 12 kappaletta tulevaa albumiaan varten ja studioon bändillä on tarkoitus siirtyä vuoden 2015 lopussa. Voit lukea Dezin mietteitä DevilDriverin tulevaisuuden suunnitelmiin liittyen tästä:

”Over twelve years, we put out six records and we really never really took time off,” Dez said. ”Where most bands take a year and a half off between cycles, I’m kind of a road warrior and I never did that. And it became [clear] to me and everybody else around me, I was, like, ’Look, man, I need a little bit of time off. I need at least 9-10 months off music just to hang out with my family’. When that happened, [Dez’s reactivated 1990s band] COAL CHAMBER ironically just came to the table and said, ’Hey why don’t we do the record in between that time?’ So DEVILDRIVER, by the time we come back, I’m recording a new DEVILDRIVER record at the end of this year. I’m sitting on twelve blistering songs that I’m in love with and I’m recording those [in] October-November this year and sometime next year, [in] spring/summer/fall, I’m going to release another DEVILDRIVER record and get right back in a DEVILDRIVER cycle. I don’t want DEVILDRIVER sitting around too long but we definitely needed to take a break out of the markets and a break from touring for a little bit.”

”We put out a record every two years solid for twelve years and we never really took a year off between touring which most bands do. And it was, like, ’You know what? Let’s recharge, Mike [Spreitzer, guitar] went home and does his studio and is surfing every day. I was helping to redo my studio here as well, and by the time they were all ready, which is now… I mean, they have been writing daily and sending me songs nightly… By the time we all get done here, we’ll probably get in July-August with about twenty songs and I’ll start narrowing it down and then we’ll get together in October-November and do a record. I’ll tell you now, it’s definitely going to be something blistering! The music is on a different level right now, with what’s going on with DEVILDRIVER. That being said, [I have just released] the [new] COAL CHAMBER record [’Rivals’], [and] we’ll be touring [in support of it]. It is limited touring, but we’re hitting everywhere in the world. And whether we hit everywhere in the world twice really has to do with are we still having a good time and how the record is doing, etc. etc.”

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