DevilDriverin basisti sairaalassa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 18.3.2012

DevilDriverin basisti Aaron ”Bubble” Patrick joutui hiljattain sairaalaan saatuaan pneumokokin. Pneumokokki on yleinen ja merkittävä taudinaiheuttaja, jonka aiheuttamiin tauteihin liittyy edelleen suuri kuolleisuus. Taudista voit lukea lisää täältä. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Aaronin äitin Janen viesti poikaansa liittyen.

”The Streptococcus pneumonia has damaged Aaron’s liver, kidneys and bone marrow. He has been able to cough up a fair amount of infection, but his lungs are still very full. Along with the pneumonia, there have also been a series of side effects that are taking a toll on his body. A horrible case of pancreatitis has developed, which caused his fever to persist. He is still dependent on oxygen and cannot be released until he can breathe sufficiently and the oxygen is not required.

”So now his release date may be pushed back until early next week, March 20? Then he must rest at least a week before getting on a plane, as the lungs cannot take the pressure. I am hoping to get him home on a non-stop flight around the 30th of March. He will have to again rest for weeks. The doctor told me it was touch and go before I got [to the hospital]. We are hopeful for release early next week.

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