DevilDriverin basisti vieroitukseen
Kalifornialaisen metalliyhtye DevilDriverin basisti Jon Miller jättää bändin vuoden alun kiertueet väliin siirtyäkseen alkoholi- ja huumevieroitukseen. Miller joutui viime viikolla syntymäpäivänään teho-osastolle ja on päättänyt muuttaa elämäntapansa tammikuun 1. päivä alkavan vieroituksen avulla. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Millerin virallisen viestin asiasta.
To all DevilDriver fans and friends, I wanted to give you an update on my status as far as my health is concerned.
Regarding the past 2 European tours, I was either forced to leave by my own accord or asked to leave by my band/managment.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyI have been touring with DevilDriver for almost the past ten years and the drugs and alcohol have finally caught up with me. I realized this when I ended up in the ICU on my birthday last week.
I need to make a change so that I can save my own life and keep the friends that I still have left.
I know that alot of DevilDriver fans seek me out first as the one to party with because I consider myself a very social person who is quite outgoing, personable and friendly.
That was all fun in my 20′s touring with the band, but as I am entering my early 30′s I can feel the damage catching up with me mentally and physically. I don’t want to burn out prematurely before my time on this Earth is up.
On January 1st I will be entering an intense rehabilitation program in order for me to reclaim my health and the person who I once was.
I will not be doing the Canadian tour in January or the Australian tour in February and March. This is for my own good. I need to come out of rehab with a sound body and mind. After I complete my rehabilitation I hope to see all DevilDriver friends and family as soon as I can.
Much love to you all.
Jonathan Miller