DevilDriverin entiseltä kitaristilta päivitys omaan tulevaisuuteen liittyen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 30.10.2014

DevilDriver 2012Yhdysvaltalaisesta groove metallia soittavasta DevilDriverista hiljattain lähtenyt kitaristi Jeff Kendrick on julkaissut omassa Facebookissaan viestin liittyen miehen tulevaisuuteen. Voit lukea Jeffin kirjoituksen aiheesta tästä:

“Want to give a special shout out to my best friend and musical partner since I was 15 @johnboecklin we are both about to embark on our own journeys for now but I have never played with a finer musician in my entire life. I can tell you this: I have heard his new music and even I could not even conceive how fucking brilliant it is. This is next level shit that will completely blow all of you away.

While I re-assess my next musical steps I am extremely excited to fulfill another dream of taking my company All Axess to the next level and cementing us in the music and entertainment business. There are a lot of things wrong with the music industry and many who are outside are clamoring for a solution.I personally feel that the solution must start from within, from an artists perspective and not saying that I have all the answers, but I am confident that our plan will help move things in a different direction.

Again, utmost respect to all of you for being so accepting of my decision. Please welcome the newest members of DevilDriver with open arms-it is never easy for anyone to change band lineups. My heart is heavy today but I look towards the future and what it may bring.

With Love,
